Thursday 9 August 2007

Road to Perdition

Yesterday was a great day for me. And no, it didn't involve me overcome my fears by jumping off the cliffs or anything, it was more like, great spiritually and emotionally, ha! I've never thought I would be able to use the word 'spiritually' in my so many years of writing! The funny thing is, it wasn't spiritually as you think. How do I know what you think? Because I'm just smart?

So yesterday I went to school for the bored-awaiting tutorial(it was the last day of tutorial and I thought I should at least show my face to the teacher, you know, just to let him know that this face existed? So when he saw me in the street, he wouldn't think of me as a stranger, but more like 'that student who came late to my last day of tutorial'.) I felt so guilty actually! So anyway I came there and did the presentation without knowing what the hell I was talking about, nodded pleasantly at half of what he told us, and of course, marked my attendance (which is why I came in the first place..Um, I mean, as part of the reason. Of course the first reason being that I wanted to learn and acquire knowledge. Do you have to ask?)

Before I knew it, the class was over and I couldn't be more than happy. No, a bit sad, really. Because it marked the last tiny drop of PR-priceless lessons that I could gain. But well, you get some, you lose some, right? So I couldn't very well be sad for far too long, correct? And so, hiding and trying so hard, just so hard to look chipper, the three of us had a walk to Little India. And holy molly, the day was burning! No, literally, it was burning our skulls! It was so hot I could almost faint. And although it wasn't a far distance between where we started and Little India, under that weather it somehow felt like a never-ending road. When we finally got there, I was sweating uncontrollably, my mascara smudged, forming unglamorously heavy black marks just below my eyes, and I couldn't feel further from zen!

Actually we came there not only because we were sad people who didn't have any other idea where to go, no, not only that! Although, that too. But ultimately it was because I wanted to see the famous hostel. And saw it, we did. Okay, fine, mission accomplished. What next? Well, we ended up sitting lamely at Sheng Shiong food court, running out of things to say after the first 30 minutes. Ha!

Anyway fast forward the story (yes, I will spare you the details on how we ended up going to the wrong way and getting lost like two blind mice for a while on the way back, and no, I will certainly not spill on how I ate duck rice and bump into two co-workers from the restaurant and how nauseating-lovey-dopey those two acted, *I'm just jealous* and last but not least, I'm not telling you how babe spilled some soy sauce on her skirt. Sigh, I know, we're just dorks that way.)

But the higlight of the day was to see my sister presenting her thesis over at NUS. I will not get emotionally sappy or anything here, because I'm not quite ready to bare my mellow side to you *hoeek!! vomit-alert!* But let me just say this, she was exceptional! During her presentation, I was so proud of her I could jump forward and hug her right there and then. *vomit-alert again?!* I mean, I knew she's always great, but to see her in front of the stage was just adding some couple layers of greatness. *greatness?! You think this is a Guiness ad, eh?!*

So to celebrate we initially wanted to do some karaoke but ended up watching Rush Hour instead. I know, the choice of show was poor, but from the excitements, we could have watched some lousy porn and still be happy!

Okay so it was a great day already but wait, it got better! Well, *blushing* I got to talk to him. I'm such a hopeless romantic! And I don't freaking care! Ha! And to top it off, I found the perfect song! Just perfect to listen to! 'The Heart of the Matter' by India Arie. I know, amazing what a power of music can do to you.

Today friends are coming over for some relaxation, swimming, sauna and DVDs. Great, eh? Nope, we planned to work on assignments too! Really! No, really! I'm serious!!


ps: Babe! Please send me our latest pics! My photo album is rotting, I'm tellin' ya! And don't say 'what recent pics?' !!! And the webcam please! Thank you very much, nice to have business with you, thank you for travelling with Singapore Airlines I'm totally babbling here but I can't stop it, help!

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