Monday 13 August 2007

Bad Day(s)

What is wrong with today, man? More like, today and yesterday?! I'm not just having a bad day, this is too much, okay! So here are some reasons why. By the time this entry is done, you'll be feeling sorry for me. Oh gosh, hope not. Or that will just confirm my patheticness and failure at this world.

1. Two days ago I was at babe's place til midnight, and since it was Saturday I didn't bother to go home earlier cos I thought there would have been Night Rider anyway. So I stayed, oblivious. At nearly midnight I finally left and as I walked to the bus stop, I saw my bus passing, and if I were almost close to the stop I would have ran and caught the bus, even if that meant yelling frantically "stop! stop! wait for me!" to the driver and getting weird glances from people, but I would have done that, okay! But there was still good distance to the stop so I didn't run. More like, I didn't bother to run.

When I got to the stop I checked the bus' timings and it stated there, in clear black and white, that the last bus was at 23.54. And it was 23.56. THE FREAKING BUS WHICH PASSED ME WAS APPARENTLY THE LAST BUS! And I was wrong about the Night Rider too cos there were none in that stop! And there I was, right in the middle of nowhere..(okay, not middle of nowhere, but far enough from my place!) with no bus and with only little money left. Well, it's not like I had any other choice, didn't I? So I flagged the taxi and it bloody cost me twelve freaking bucks! I felt so forced giving the money to the driver. I could easily get on the bus and only paid like two dollars!

2. I had to go to Clarke Quay yesterday to meet a friend, and I initially thought I would just take a cab cos I was wearing heels and my outfit didn't necessarily scream 'I want to get squished inside the train'. But then I remembered the incident the night before and I immediately felt guilty. Again, what choice did I have? It probably was the biggest mistake cos the weather was so hot and I sweated easily already as it is, so the heat affected me even worse, and even I didn't want to see myself getting sweaty! Imagine the horror of the people around me!

What worse (yes, there is a worse) was there's a disgusting guy who wore black sunglasses and acted as if he's very chic suddenly came up to me, grinned his slick-eery smile and asked where I was going. Ick. Talk about degradation.

3. See previous post. That would explain...a lot.

4. The meeting with my friend was a disaster. It really, was a disaster. It probably was my first bad evening out! Which was an unfortunate cos the place was already nice! We settled at Tapas Tree.

I believe one time my friend even said 'you're fucking rich' as if that's bad thing or means I have a fucking herpes or something. And he also thought the place was fucking posh. It wasn't, okay! Long story short, it was a disaster. I believe I've used that term but I feel like using it again to emphasize the fact that it was really a freaking disaster! It was painful to even relive!

I have a feeling he even thought my lychee martini was freaking posh! That's just retarded.

5. Okay, the most recent one. I feel so foolish telling this, but what would you do when you have a job interview and you have no idea what the position you're applying for!?!!! Great! Just great! See, someone called me this morning and arranged for interview tomorrow, gave me the address and time etc etc, but one thing was I don't even remember applying for job in that company! It's a medical company so I think I would remember if I did send in my resume and everything, okay! So I checked the internet and saw my sent-items on my mails and there was nothing on that company! And so I have no idea what I'm supposed to do! I don't know which position I will be interviewed for!!!! Surely you ask I don't need to know that?! But I do! On my last interview I was asked that! And I've sent email to ask but no reply and it's late here and my interview is tomorrow and so I'm toast.

6. I think my so-called-boyfriend is mad at me.

So that about sums it up. These days suck! And I haven't even accounted my two big assignments which I haven't started and I'm getting super worried cos next week I'm having remodule so I'll be really busy and when will I get the time to work on those projects?!!

I know, your look says it all. "You're in trouble, girl."

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