Which is funny in itself, because it certainly doesn't even make me feel good, let alone popular. This candid camera thing? See how I'm frowning here? Instead of laughing? Beats the whole point, doesn't it?
So let's think rationally here. It might have something to do with my blog, cos I put my email address in there. Yeah, that must be the only explanation, right? As in for Skype. Bloody hell, I don't even use it much, but it's always on everytime my laptop is on, and strangers are suddenly everywhere. What, they don't have enough contacts on their lists, so they decided to surprise an innocent, unsuspecting, naive stranger like me?!
Why does..I don't know, John Cusack never accidentally come across MY Skype?! Surely he sometimes use computer too, doesn't he?
And why are people who suddenly approached me in Skype always from China??!! Seriously, Taiwan, Shanghai...CHINA! I mean, is this Skype thing so big in there? Just like, MySpace in the US, or Bebo in Ireland? Well, I don't have a clue! I always end up ignoring them cos they have lousy english and I don't chat in there often.
Well, anyway. How many of you actually know that I love drawing? When I was small, I got into drawing course, and at kindergarten I actually won a colouring competition, despite a tiny weeny little bit fact that I coloured a frog blue. The judges must have thought there were really blue frogs species somewhere, or maybe the contestants weren't really that good, so they had no choice but to choose me as the winner. Either case, I'm not complaining! Although, I felt a bit pathetic if the latter case was true....damn it!
So, if I tell you that I drew this, would you believe me?
or this??
If your answer is no, I'm terribly hurt!
It was quite a bit contemplation I had before whether to get into journalism, or design? I finally chose journalism cos I wasn't too confident in the design thing, I'm not sure I'm that creative, see. But nowadays once in a while when the mood is there, I still like to draw just for fun.
Know what I miss about school? Writing in notebook! Using colorful pens like this!
We don't write much anymore nowadays in campus. Or..is it just me?! Am I just getting lazy? How depressing... And umm, that was old journal, I DO NOT skip class anymore, okay!!
So. This is 2 pm and I'm getting hungry. My class starts next week, phew, it's about time I have something to do! Now that I don't work anymore, I feel like a lazy bum. Saw an opening at sushi restaurant yesterday, maybe I'll give it a try. What happened to office job, you ask? I know, I know, but companies only want Singaporeans and PRs, it's so hard for me to get one. Besides, office hours are from morning to evening, I won't be able to work while I have class. Maybe I shouldn't concentrate on getting a job first, huh? After all, I should prioritize the study. But I feel helpless sometimes having no self-money, see.
ANYWAY. Worry about that later after I eat. Haha.
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