Monday 2 July 2007

Me, No Likey!

A few things this girl can't stand:


Ah, yes. Apparently waiting is very chic right now. Don't you just hate it when somebody failed to mention that 'shortly' means 'at least one full hour', and that 'soon' translates to 'long-enough-for-you-to-go-home-grab-some-mcd-big-breakfast-comma-shave-your-leg-and-if-lucky-maybe-even-get-some-manicure-pedicure-and-then-come-back-here-again-and-it-will-be-your-turn'!

2)Having blocked-nose.

The amount of tissues you wasted could be equal to those used by 10 Ethiopian kids in need.

3)Nasty stomachache.

Now we're talking! I had one this morning! I told you it's probably yesterday's indian food, right? Well, probably. Or maybe, it was just the banana milk! See, I'm being fair. Somehow, when I said I wanted to go to Little India to eat, or that I planned to go to India for holiday, people always looked at me weirdly and mumbled yeah,right! sarcastically. I mean, why? I don't have problems with Indians! Really, I don't! I just happened to have problems with those who disturb me in the street! So, I don't want to quickly blame the Indian food for causing me this great misery!

And who says I have an issue with Indians? ISSUES? Tissue, I have; issues, I don't think so.

Besides, when you have stomachache, it's a very embarrassing thing to say. Compare it to,..headache, for example. "Hey, I'm sorry I won't be able to make it, I have headache. Yeah, I'll take panadol. Thanks, bye" And that's it. Easy, breezy, clean.

But try admitting you have stomache without making yourself look:

1)Gluttonous. "Yes, I have stomache. Must be the damn laksa I had yesterday. Or was it the curry? Wait a minute, this must be the chilli crab talking! Too much chili, I knew I shouldn't have asked for the extra chilli and also the spicy sauce! That, added by the black pepper beef! Oh damn! Now I know why...."

2)So unglamorous. "Um, no, I can't come. Why, you ask? Um..I have stomachache. Eeer, yes. I have been going back and forth to the bathroom for this last hour! It's pretty nasty. What? Of course I don't know what shape it is! Does it bloody matter?! Wait, wait, I think it's calling again! Excuse me for a minute!.."

3)Pure embarrassement. "Yes, this is a really fine fish. Of course I like it. Oh! Excuse me, forgive my stomach, it has been making weird noises since this morning. *nervous laugh* No, no, the fish is delicious. It's not because of the fish, really. No, you don't need to order something else. I'm fine. Oops, there goes the weird sound again! *more nervous laugh* Will you excuse me for a moment? I'm gonna go to the bathroom..."

And by the name you're back to the table, your date would have fleed faster than a speeding bullet, from the fear that your stomachache might be contagious,..or he just doesn't dig the prospect of eating while listening to one-of-a-kind-odd-musical-background.

....and probably the smell too.

See my point? Besides, I don't know how to treat a stomachache aside from curling like a worm under the duvet! I mean, having to drink a lot of water and taking rest. I've always taken those chinese pills, something I called 'pill chee ke tee an'..or 'po chai' or whatever the name is, HUH????!!!! (is it just me or the names are disturbingly...odd?) Anyway, I just hate having stomachache!

It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's pretty time-consuming and very unpleasant.
Okay, I think I've made my point.

Gosh, the topic of the things I don't like really depressed me.

Call it a post and move on with life? Ggggggrreat! Seems like I get more random and random with every passing day. What next? Writing about...'how I do my laundry today' or 'how I scrub my body this way when in shower' ??!!!?!

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