Friday 13 June 2008

The Happening - in my lousy days and the real movie

I'm losing concentration. For almost the entire week last week I've been working on my assignment and it was doing okay, at least I knew I would get it done in time, and probably I have used all my mental energy and motivation on the subject that I simply don't have any more right now. Since I attended the tutorial last Tuesday, I haven't made any progress, maybe even dare I say it, touched these at all. And what, that was three days ago? I'm wasting time but I really can't be bothered, I'm seriously in deep shit.

There are days when you're just so motivated and feeling up-and-running to go work on something, and there's the complete opposite. Piggy days, that's what I call it. I'm hopeless. I'm a disaster!

In an attempt to seriously change the subject. I saw The Happening last night on midnight and from the second row from the screen! Didn't think midnight shows would be that much popular but apparently it is! Main appeal was of course, M.Night Shyamalan, I'm not into the Mark-Wahlberg kind. No, no, I'm just curious and intrigued by the movie. His movies are always full of twists and I need some twist in my life in the midst of all these political talks.

It was creepy! You would spend the first half of the movie wondering exactly what is happening?! Because the exact second the movie started, oh, it was on! People started killing themselves, falling down from the roof, and I was like, fucking hell! What the hell is going on?! They thought it was terrorist attack in the beginning, but it was clear that terrorists wouldn't be able to make you kill yourself or stop dead right on the spot or lose your ability to talk. So the story evolved around this horrific sudden unexplainable events and eventually you knew what caused all this (but after you see some serious scary killings and shocking moments, of course.) Storywise, I still say the Sixth Sense is much better, and this movie lacks the certain charm of twist the Sixth Sense and The Village provided, even Lady in The Water. But suspense-wise, it won't dissapoint. Chilling, thrilling and you'd be left wondering and not knowing what's going on.

Just a piece of my thought. Move on, nothing important. Ha!

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