Wednesday 27 February 2008

Not So Much of a Working Adult

Due to my lack of writing these days, I thought I owe myself an applause. Apparently this girl is capable of handling responsibility and is extremely hardworking at work that she's just way too exhausted when she reaches home.

(image shows of her laying around at work, browsing through 'pink is the new blog' website, indulging herself in juicy celebrities' gossips, juggling to drop comments on facebook and checking out pictures of current crushes)

So, this is to be my last week on this office and when I share no feeling of attachment at all (for goodness sake it has only been a month, although it feels like three!), I do feel bad to leave my dear friend here. She's also an intern and we've been getting along great. Allow me to paint you a heart-crushing picture here, my lunch break is different than the rest of the staffs. So, that means I had to have lunch all by myself, do you know how it's like out there in the jungle on lunch time? There is no place for a lonely sad girl eating alone in the corner without getting hassled and stared, “you're eating alone? What is wrong with you?!” Tell you, by the second day I learnt my lesson and I just bought something quick to eat at the office.

Okay, even you would think that is beyond pathetic. So, after my second week, a new intern came in and of course she had the same lunch time as me, and the story of 'just for one' is history. Well, the fact that she's not a psycho helps a bit too. Well, anyway she's a really sweet girl.

But, moving on. Yesterday there has been some internet problem at the office, everything was down so while the IT guy was trying to fix it (I swear I could see sweats coming down on his forehead even though it was cold as fuck, imagine the pressure he was on), we couldn't really do anything. Everyone was just sort of staring empty ahead and pretending to be so enlightened and fascinated by the computer screen. Me? I was just playing freecell and spider solitaire. Very classy, girl.

But it still hasn't worked until lunch time so basically I've just been wasting 3 plus hours of my life by doing nothing while I could have just easily slept longer at home. (that attitude won't get you anywhere, young lady!) Melissa (the intern) and I ate at BK nearby for lunch and 'accidentally' came back an hour later. What? It was sort of, raining. We had to walk really slow or we could easily slip. Do you want to see me slip? Do you? Do you? Do you?

Although it's a struggle every morning to wake up and even harder to stay awake right after lunch, I have to say there's a certain pleasure working, I'm doing something with my time, for one, and besides the obvious of getting paid, I'm much more energized and up-and-running. Just don't tell me that after 6.30 pm. ( I resemble more of a greying old maid by that time)

But I'm in the mood for shopping! I need a new pair of shoes. I've thrown away three of my shoes due to their age, by the look of it, they were going straight to pensiun fund. So I'm looking for a shiny black heels or maybe white. Hope today's my lucky day!

Okay, so what have you all been up to? I've been wanting to see Juno and PS I Love You but haven't got the chance! Seriously there's just something there, babe and I have been out twice in hope to catch Juno but the timing was never right. Bollocks.

Hope you all have a nice day, cheers. It's back to freecell...oops, I mean, work,..for me. A bit of slip there.

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