Sunday 24 February 2008


Why the 'rational adult decision', you ask? Well, because I am mature, no? No, really, a lot has been going on and I'm just busy with work. I finally decided to call this job quit and moved to another company. Now, that sounds more like an adult, I suppose? It's funny because I did it without even discussing it with my sister, and she always knows everything, so when I called her to tell her I already spoke to my boss to quit at the end of this month, she was beyond shocked. What? When? Where? Why? How? How? How could you? Are you even my real sister? Who are you? Who? Tell me! *choking my neck through the telephone*

No, I was me, rest assured. But it just happened so fast. I got another offer from another company which sounded more promising and paid better, and it's a PR company so surely it's much more relevant than what I'm doing in marketing firm right now. Okay, there is another reason. I thought I applied for an internship, not to (purely fictional for those of you who thought about clicking it to see pictures of maids in skimpy clothes), I mean, I'm okay with running errands if they're work related, like, of course I wouldn't mind dropping documents off at another office (what it actually means: having a chance to get out from the office to see men in business attire), but definitely not to buy lunch, refreshment, drinks, or even medicine for the boss, okay.

So, after a day of deliberation and self-thinking, I decided to go for it. Grab a better opportunity. I was nervous about talking to the boss since my internship is supposed to be for four months and it's barely one yet. But in the end, everything's settled so next week will be my last week at the current office. You know what else? I was so eager to graduate and work, and now that I've caught a little glimpse of it, I decided that I'm glad I'm still in school. Not that I don't want to ever work, but there'll be plenty of time when you simply just must work for a living, so now that I still at least have a choice, I shouldn't complain much. There's just a certain comfort knowing that if I want to, I can just choose not to work, to just laze around at home all day long, and undoubtfully I would probably grow restless again but at least I have that option, and even now, I can sort of see the escape route. But I guess it will be different then, right? Okay, maybe it's not a problem if you're swimming with money, but I'm nowhere near Uncle Scrooge yet.

Aside for that, things have been just busy as usual. Dad is in town at the moment until Tuesday, and I'm having a terrible cold as I'm writing. Judging from my-less-than-fit-state, you would think I'm a 50 year old old maid instead of a supposedly-vibrant-lively 20-year-old. Which is why I'm spending a Sunday at home. I can't stop sneezing and this bloody running nose is doing even worse to my overall mood.

Generally I'm pretty happy these days but then sometimes I just feel down without reason, I think it's PMS. I'm worried about things, I have exam and assignment this next Saturday, work hasn't been quite enjoyable anymore since there's some coo-coo going on, I'm feeling quite low on confident-level at times (*gasp* yes, I don't always feel that narcissistic.) I need a happy pill, please.

I can't even think of a creative thing to write! Maybe I should kiss the journalism goodbye and just settle with the cheap maid thing. *so depressing*. So, I'll catch you when I'm not busy washing people's feet and shampooing their hair. Ciao.

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