I'd like to make sure that I still see her occasionally, even though 'occasionally' could strech to once every 6 months or even longer, but we tried. And eager as we always are, every meet-up feels just like the old times, like no time has passed, as if we're still those two younger girls who see each other everyday and go home together because our homes were only a few blocks away.
And of course, there is that favorite dessert place in Bugis. (^_^)
That easiness never changed, and we would spend hours laughing over anecdotes of our past years, wondering the whereabouts of our old friends, and filling each other's up on the recent news and updates.
But when we do make time for each other, which I hope I will never take for granted, that's how we would remember our friendship. Not of how we grew apart for all these years, and not about how we knew nothing about what's going on in the other's lives anymore, none of those.
Instead, perhaps it's better to think that despite all these, nothing has really changed, at least not when it comes to us.
Afterall, proximity sometimes has very little to do with what truly matters.
What makes her different, unfaltered despite months of absence, is her eagerness to open up yet again.
There is no need for each of us to even ask, "so, what's new?" because we would just straight away yap like there's no tomorrow and tell the other everything that comes to mind. (Even when she had what-it-seems-to-be-a-painful-eye-infection and she had to check her eyes every other minute because they're red and itchy, poor girl...)
So hours passed without us noticing and we parted with a promise to catch up again sometime soon.
"Definitely when I won't have to scratch my eyeballs out every few seconds!" she said.
Hear, hear! Hope your eyes get better, and don't ever change, dear friend.
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