Tuesday 2 September 2008


Just wanted to clarify my previous entry dearest sister happily pointed out yesterday. I was already in bed then, not dead asleep yet, but as asleep as someone who still tried to compose text messages with half eye could be. My point? I was just a few centimetres away from falling asleep. (If you could count it, I bet it's close enough.)

And then suddenly she let out a loud noise. I thought she choked, at first, because it was so sudden and unexpected. But I realized that someone had to at least eat something first before choking, and she wasn't eating, I knew it for a certain because I would definitely hear annoying munching sound and I didn't, that's why I was on the verge of falling asleep, which I already repeated for like, 5 times now. Well, after my slow mind made the conviction that she wasn't actually choking, I thought she was gargling. But this didn't make more sense than the first thought.

So I looked at her with an irritated look on my face, I mean, if she wanted to gargle she should have gone to the bathroom, at least. I know it's not a written constitution, but that's an oral rule, is it not? Only after a few seconds, I realized she was actually laughing. Not chuckling, not giggling, but blast-on laughing.

Now it's unlikely of her to suddenly laugh in the middle of the night without apparent reason, she's not the laughing-loud-kinda girl. Nor is she the kind who would cover her mouth, because we mock those people all the time. Actually, we mock everybody all the time. Well, but that's not the point now, is it?

Apparently she was laughing upon reading my blog because I made a common mistake. COMMON, people! I said 'I always put one of my leg up in the elevator' when I actually meant was 'escalator'. She thought this was hilarious. She has this really active imagination, bless her.

Why would someone put one leg up in the elevator?! Really, she didn't need to laugh that loud. And she patted my head while she was laughing as if I'm a cute pet and I just bit the carpet 'cos I didn't know any better. It was beyond insulting. It was a direct attack to my ego and not to mention, language skill. She made me feel like I'm 5 years old.

So I stucked my tongue out at her, duh obviously.

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