Sunday 9 November 2008

I tried, I conquered, I'm leaving.

Now it's only a week and two days left 'til I'm done with my job contract. I've learned, I've braced through the worst, I've had fun, I've been stressed out, I've ran through every imaginable emotions possible. After almost two months planning and preparing for the event, it's finally happening, but not without its own last-minute-panic and changes.

In this case, there really is such thing as the Murphy's law. So much work in the planning side, and it's not over yet even on the day itself. This weekend I'm slaving away and finally seeing things come together. I'm not good with crisis management, but somehow I managed to get through it, well, almost. Today's the last day, good luck to me.

Update: With that, it's over! Well, I know I will still have to work on the report and all the bloody detailed feedback and time-consuming profit and calculation, blah blah, but at least a big chunk of pressure has been lifted off our shoulders! :) The countdown has officially begun, people!

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